Hilarious News Reporter Names Funny News Reporter Name Generator

So you're all set to get your media business venture underway. The only problem is you haven't settled on that perfect name yet. To get you started why not try our dedicated Media Business Name Generator! With just a single click you can find hundreds of unique names today.

If you're still struggling to find that catchy name that captures your broadcasting services, then keep reading this breakdown to find out everything you need to know.

We've compiled the most important steps that you will need in your search, including 20 unique name ideas, real-life examples of the most successful news channel names, and tips to creating a media name that stands out against other competitors.

If you're growing your news channel or radio station in order to reach as many people as possible, you're going to want a name that draws in your listeners or viewers.

Take some time and try different combinations in our Media Business Name Generator. We used the generator and here is a list of 20 unique names. See if any stand out to you!

  1. Mediaex
  2. Foster Media
  3. Arrowhead Stations
  4. Channelgenix
  5. Redux Channel
  6. Newsaro
  7. Broadcastdeck
  8. Broadcastzen
  9. Newsooze
  10. Flow Broadcast
  11. BroadcastWind
  12. Trident Broadcasting
  13. News Nut
  14. Newstastic
  15. Scope Broadcasting
  16. Broadcast Limitless
  17. Broadcastquipo
  18. Newsdeck 24/7
  19. Trigger News
  20. Agility Media

20 More Media Business Name Ideas

  1. Point Media
  2. Eye Opener
  3. Century Records
  4. Vibrant News
  5. Borderless Media
  6. Culture Voice
  7. Free Spirit Media
  8. Anonymous
  10. Voice Up
  11. OnDemand News
  12. Peer 2 Peer
  13. Effectus Media
  14. Influenza
  15. Liberty Media
  16. Talkingly
  17. Radical Point Media
  18. Horizon Media
  19. Laugh Network
  20. Vibez Media

Having made use of our News Channel Name Generator or News Station Name Generator, you will be having a few ideas flowing. However, you may still be unsure how your name choice will match up in the competitive media industry.

Rather than coming up with your name from scratch, why not try researching the most successful media firms in the world to see if something sparks with your brand identity.

From news channels to broadcasting services, the most renowned media companies had to begin somewhere. Take a look at the list we've created and see how their names came to fruition.

  • Comcast
  • Netflix
  • Walt Disney
  • AT&T
  • Sony
  • The Bottom Line

This list includes the most known media companies in the world which almost everybody has heard of and makes use of daily. Each one, however, came from humble beginnings, and paying attention to a media company's lineage may reflect your current situation.


Beginning in 1963 as a cable provider in Tupelo, Mississippi, Comcast embarked on a mission to revolutionize the market for subscription-based media services. The company was originally named American Cable Systems.

By the late 1960s, they had acquired a number of media businesses and decided to rebrand under the name Comcast, with a new logo and a staunch advertising campaign. The name Comcast showcases a mash-up of words to create a unique trademark.

Comcast was created by combining the words Communication and Broadcast, hence Comcast.


Perhaps the most used streaming service in the world with over 67 million subscribers across the United States and Canada, the origins of its name remains overlooked.

Just like Comcast, Netflix once again makes use of a fun mash-up. Net is short for the word Internet and Flix is derived from the word Flicks – a term used to describe movies. Put them together and you get, Netflix.


Established in 1885, AT&T is the top telecommunications company in North America. Its name is easy to remember but it actually functions as an acronym.

AT&T stands for American Telephone and Telegraph Company.


The Japanese multinational media corporation is known for its electrical products and ventures into movie production. Again, Sony is a company that decided to use a unique mash-up. The company combined the words Sonus and Sonny.

In Latin, Sonus symbolizes sound and sonic, and Sonny means little son.

As you can see from names like Netflix, Sony, and Comcast, they are all original and creative. This translates to memorable, allowing them to stand out against other competitors.

Let's take a closer look at how you can create a catchy and creative media name. Be it mashups or acronyms, you're going to want a name that grabs attention and holds them tight.

Before getting into how you can create a catchy name today, try forming a mash-up using our News Name Generator or News Station Name Generator!


This is never a straightforward tip, and we all know how daunting it may be to create something that stands out. Take a look at some of the most downloaded apps such as Flickr, Tumblr, and Grindr. These names follow a set format of deleting the letter "r".

Therefore, using a name like "Media Findr" may get lost in the unoriginality of this style of naming. Since you're a startup company the emphasis is on building your clientele. So, your name must get people out of their seats or stop individuals scrolling.

There are 3 great tips you can make use of when striving for originality:

  1. Hit the Books. Go back to some of your favorite literature, or even try to crack open a copy of the dictionary. Keep flicking through and see what connects with your mission statement.
  2. Try keywords. If you're looking to see what names are being used every day then try using a keyword search tool. These tools allow you to find the hottest keywords on the web and help you know which words aren't being talked about.
  3. Use mash-ups. Just look at how creative Netflix and Sony are. Originality for media names is usually achieved through fun wordplay. This is also a perfect way to find a clever trademark that represents your mission statement as a company.

Always Remain User-Friendly

Always Remain User-Friendly!

When you've made a list of potential mash-ups or acronyms, it's useful to check whether it's Google-friendly. After all, clients are going to be typing it on search engines to find you.

This means that originality is not simply about being as creative as you can. Something that you think is clever and witty may not connect with your clients. You have to be prepared to enforce some restrictions on your creative intentions.

Try focusing on names that are two syllables or one word – making sure it is easy to memorize. This also means taking into consideration how friendly your name is for your desired advertising campaign.

Does it fit into your logo designs? How does it sound when spoken out loud? A name that looks good on paper may not always translate well when spoken.

Finally, media companies aim to attract a diverse and multicultural clientele. Take some time to see how your name translates into different languages. How will this affect your brand identity?

1. Future-Proof Your Name

We all know the importance of future-proofing in 2021! When choosing your name, think about its longevity. As the saying goes "a puppy is not just for Christmas", and likewise your company name should not be lasting only a matter of months.

Aim for a name that has your future plans in mind, whatever the expansion blueprints might be. The best way to avoid this conundrum is to try some self-reflection.

Ask yourself: What are your ambitions? What emotions do you want your clients to feel? What do we do differently? What does my company mean to me and to others?

2. Find Your USP

Find Your USP!

What exactly is your Unique Selling Point? What separates you from every other media company? All media companies are focused on entertainment and communication services, so what gives you the edge? Have a think about your USP, whether it's a single phrase, and let that give you some inspiration.

3. Try Running a Survey

Remember you're not on your own! A business is a collaborative venture so reach out to as many people as you can to assist you in this process. Even try getting all your colleagues and some potential clients together to fill in a survey about possible names. You never know your perfect name could just be a conversation away!

4. Don't be Overwordy

Take incentive from media company names like Netflix and Sony. Simple, concise, and memorable. The last thing you want is a name that is a complete mouthful.

5. Check Domain Availability

Last but not least, choose a media business name that has an available domain, ideally with a .com ending. It's also worth spending some time on social media and making sure that all correlating handles are available.

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Source: https://businessnamegenerator.com/media-business-name-generator-ideas/

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